Google chrome one of the most powerful browser developed by Google But by using some of free extensions from Google app store we can boost the chrome lot better
Here we mention some free extensions for chrome lovers,lets start
Tabcloud:Tabcloud is one of the best invention in modern browsing.Every one says that chrome eat ups the system resources-both RAM and Disk swap space-reducing battery life and slowing your computer.
for them Tabcloud is the best answer.tabcloud allows you to save a load of tabs to a cloud syn service by this you can open them at any time or on another computer with one has friendly interface,free and efficient click HERE to download
Ginger:Ginger is an free extension which allows the chrome user to check the spellings while chatting or creating a doc etc.Ginger checks spellings plus 30 types of grammatical errors based on the context of your writing click HERE to download
Adblock plus:Did u get irritated by seeing the pop up adds on the computer Here is the solution for that Adblock helps in preventing the Spammy adverts,covering their pages with blinking,flashing,annoying distractions HERE to download
Lastpass:Security is the hot topic right now every second thousand of passwords are leaked but by using different passwords for different sites its very hard to remember them,and that's where Lastpass comes in. click HERE to download
LastPass is a cloud-based password stores all passwords and login details,and syncs them securely between browsers and even in mobile devices...
HTTPS-Everywhere:HTTPS Everywhere makes it easier to secure your browsing whenever possible.This extension helps to protect your browsing by encrypting your communications with major HERE to download.
Minimalist for Everything:If you think your web is looking a bit untidy then Minimalist is the answer for you.This extension allows us to customize elements within popular web apps,such as Gmail Facebook and twitter etc.and it reduces the wasted space within the user interface.and Minimalist allows the users to write there own little snippets of code to hide or add anything to particular sites. click HERE to download
Social Fixer:If Facebook rules you nuts use Social Fixer extension and save your sanity.this extension helps to filter your News Feed,hiding stories by keyword eg:you can say good bye to candy crush updates and this extension gives you ultimate control over the way Facebook looks and also helps in fixing most annoying things about Facebook,such as constantly switching back to "Top Stores"instead of the most recent posts,despite you precisely.
Click HERE to download
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